
We are dedicated to criminal and DWI defense. This is our passion and our profession.

Problem Solving

You have a problem. Our job is to find the best way to solve it.


Once you retain our services, you will be given access to your attorney’s cell phone and a direct office line.

Stephen McGuckin
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Why McGuckin Law


Experienced NJ Criminal and DWI Defense Lawyer

McGuckin Law is a dynamic law practice that specializes in aggressively defending constitutional rights of individuals throughout the Jersey Shore. With a primary focus upon 4th Amendment Search and Seizure, criminal defense, juvenile defense, and parental rights, we exist to defend the constitutional rights of our neighbors and challenge the state to adhere to its lawful burdens of proof.

Legal Practice Areas


You should know that the consequences of NJ Drunk Driving offenses are severe but there are ways to fight your charges to beat or mitigate the penalties.

Drug Crimes

McGuckin Law aggressively defends clients charged with the above types of drug possession and distribution charges.

Assault and Threat

An assault charge is serious and requires proactive and experienced defense.

Theft and Fraud

New Jersey law recognizes many different types of theft and fraud-related crimes.

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence spans across criminal and family court and has a variety of severe penalties and legal repercussions.

Traffic Violations

Many people do not grasp the severity of some traffic offenses and simply pay the fines.

Juvenile Offenses

Depending upon the seriousness of the charges, we will often work with parents toward enrolling the child in counseling or treatment programs to help the child and offset legal penalties.

NJ Expungement

New Jersey has recently amended its expungement laws to benefit more individuals with convictions on their criminal records.

Jersey Shore Crimes

While the vast majority of beachgoers engage in good, clean, family fun, the unfortunate reality is that alcohol, beaches, and bars lead good people to make some bad decisions from time to time.


Stephen McGuckin

Stephen McGuckin is born and bred on the Jersey Shore. A pioneering attorney with regard to the Mental Health and Veterans Diversionary Programs, his mission is to represent the “whole person,” treating each and every client with dignity and respect. From a legal standpoint, this innovative and person-based approach provides his clients with creative and practical solutions to reach the best possible outcome in their cases. These solutions include diversionary programs and opportunities to address the underlying issues that led to the charges in question. He has found that once defendants address mental health issues, PTSD, drug and alcohol abuse, and childhood traumas, that the prosecution and judiciary are more amenable to favorable outcomes.

Defendants need a fighter. As a U.S. Constitution enthusiast, Steve has the experience and knowledge needed to defend your case to the end. The 4th Amendment is your inalienable right to freedom from unlawful search and seizure. Steve and his team will analyze your case from investigation to arrest to prosecution and attack any and all constitutional missteps with the ultimate goal to secure a dismissal or downgrade of your criminal matter.

Whether you are facing criminal charges, termination of parental rights, injury in the workplace, or wish to secure a better future for your loved ones through your hard work, Stephen McGuckin is here for you.

Why McGuckin Law

What People Say About Us

I was facing a very serious criminal charge with a prior and was facing a few years jail time. Stephen explained the best and worst outcome, and always answered every single phone call. We had several court dates and the judge was very tough regarding my case. With Stephen’s expertise and in his professional demeanor he was able to get me probation. To say I’m pleased with the outcome is an understatement. My family and I are beyond grateful for him. He is a great person and an even GREATER lawyer. Without him, I would’ve had an awful outcome. He did everything he could possibly do for me and it all worked out. Thank you, Steve


Mr. McGuckin has exceeded my expectations. He is extremely knowledgeable in case law, as well as very receptive to his clients’ desired outcome. He treats his clients based on their individual needs. Mr. McGuckin has answered my calls, day and night, and has assured me of the best possible outcome, which I have received! He is a very kind, yet, direct and firm attorney who will fight for you to the end. I couldn’t be happier with Stephen McGuckin.”



You will know and be able to contact your attorney at any time. We provide one-on-one client and customer care. We rely on our hard work and proven results and will take your case personally.


We are experienced in criminal, DUI, and traffic defense. If you are looking for somebody to write your will or provide an attorney review on a new home, we will gladly refer you to one of our neighboring attorneys. If you require an advocate to aggressively defend your case, protect your rights, secure your future, and keep you in control of your own life, we will work tirelessly for your cause.


Stephen McGuckin is a pioneering attorney in Ocean County with regard to the Mental Health Diversionary Program, identifying those defendants who have been charged with a crime but are suffering a mental health condition. Have you been charged with a crime, but also have a mental health issue, drug or alcohol addiction, or are a veteran combatting PTSD? We CARE. There are options. Let us help you.


We are local. Our office is in Toms River near the Ocean County Superior Court. We represent clients in every Ocean County municipality. If you are visiting one of our vacation destinations such as Seaside Heights or Long Beach Island and do not wish to commit any more of your time off to a criminal matter, we will meet you at a coffee shop of your choosing. We proudly live in, work in, and call Ocean County our home.

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