Toms River OxyContin Possession Lawyer

Due to the fact that prescription drugs play a significant factor in New Jersey’s “Heroin Epidemic,” the state has taken a tougher stance on possession of prescription drugs without a valid prescription from a doctor. With offices in Middlesex, Ocean and Monmouth County, McGuckin Law represents clients who have been charged with possession or distribution of prescription drugs such as Adderall, Oxycontin, Percocet, Vicodin, and Xanax throughout the Jersey Shore. We assist individuals who have been arrested and charged with possession of prescription drugs in New Brunswick, Toms River, Jackson, Middletown, Holmdel, Howell, East Brunswick, Woodbridge, Cranbury, Manahawkin, Seaside Heights, and Wall Township. McGuckin Law is a local, aggressive law firm exclusively dedicated to criminal defense and helping people like you or your loved ones get their lives back on track. For a free consultation contact us at your convenience at 732.924.4200.

Toms River NJ Oxycontin Attorneys

Many NJ prescription drug charges have fact patterns that seem rather inconsequential. These include arrests due to a small number of pills, pills left in a motor vehicle by a friend or loved one, or even medication that is stored in an improper container. Unfortunately, New Jersey pursues even these cases aggressively as they are viewed as gateway drugs to heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamines. If you or your loved one has been charged with possession or distribution of OxyContin, Xanax, Percocet, or Adderall, then depending upon the amount at hand and whether the police suspect the possession was in support of financial gain, your matter will be heard in Superior Court or in the municipal court with jurisdiction over the location of the alleged possession.

How to Fight Your NJ Prescription Drug Possession Charges

At McGuckin Law, we will fight your case based upon favorable facts, procedure, and by way of plea-bargaining. If these measures are not satisfactory then we will prepare to defend your case at trial. From the outset, you will be given cell phone access to your attorney who will discuss the prevalence of probable cause issues such as a bad traffic stop or illegal search and seizure. We will challenge the state to provide all discovery including laboratory results. We will provide relevant mitigating information such prescription history, medical information, and voluntary rehab efforts. Additionally, we will work closely with the state to secure entry into PTI or Drug Court in order to avoid incarceration and a criminal record. To explore these and other options with regard to your defense, contact McGuckin Law for a free consultation.

Wall NJ Prescription Drug Offense Penalties

If convicted of possession or distribution of prescription drugs, the degree of punishment would be determined by the amount of drugs confiscated, the likelihood of financial gain, and whether the alleged distribution (or intent thereof) took place in a school zone or near a public property or park. The significance of the potential penalty is weighted against the amount of “dosages” present at the time of arrest. Please see the chart for more information on Jersey Shore Prescription Drug Offenses.

Second Degree 100 or more dosage units for financial gain 5 – 10 years in prison; presumption of incarceration
Third Degree 5 – 99 dosage units for financial gain 3 – 5 years in prison
Fourth Degree 4 or fewer dosage for financial gain Up to 18 months in prison
Disorderly Persons Offense 4 or fewer dosage without financial gain Up to 6 months in jail

Sayreville NJ Prescription Drug Fraud and Forgery Lawyer

In addition to prescription drug possession and distribution, New Jersey actively investigates and prosecutes prescription drug fraud and prescription forgery. Prescription drugs are those legally sold or dispensed only by the authority of a licensed medical practitioner. If a person attempts to forge or falsify a prescription to obtain Rx drugs then he or she will be charged with the separate offense of prescription drug forgery. If you or your loved one has been charged with Prescription Drug Fraud or Forgery throughout the Jersey Shore including Stafford Township, East Brunswick, Jackson, Howell, Tinton Falls, New Brunswick, or Ocean Township, please feel free to reach out to McGuckin Law at 732.924.4200 to discuss your case for free.

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