Berkeley Township Defense Attorney
Have you or your loved one been charged with criminal, DWI, or serious traffic offense in Berkeley Township, NJ? If so, McGuckin Law is here to help. We are an experienced, local law firm that is 100% dedicated to assisting individuals facing municipal and superior court charges that include DUI, Simple Assault, Possession of Marijuana, and Theft. For information on how we can help you fight your Berkeley Township Municipal Court or Ocean County Superior Court charges, feel free to explore our website or contact us for a free consultation at 732-924-4200 today!
Berkeley Township Marijuana Possession Lawyer
Marijuana and other drug charges are quite common in Berkeley Township. Drug charges are serious. Berkeley Municipal Court and Ocean County Superior Court Prosecutors aggressively prosecute drug charges. Convictions can lead to incarceration, steep fines, probation, and community service. McGuckin Law’s defense strategy for your drug charges will depend upon the amount and type of the drug and whether these are your first or subsequent drug-related charges.
We will request all evidence that the State will use to prosecute your case This is called discovery. Often, we are able to identify issues that we can attack by way of motion to suppress evidence or dismiss the case. These issues can include unlawful searches and seizures of the defendant, improper traffic stops, and unlawful statements. Additionally we will work with the prosecutor to explore your options with regard to a diversionary program such as Pre-Trial Intervention, Conditional Discharge, or Drug Court. For more information on how we will fight your drug charges, contact our local office today at 732-924-4200.
Berkeley Township Simple Assault Attorney
If you are facing criminal charges that took place in Berkeley Township then your matter will be heard either in Berkeley Township Municipal Court if the alleged act was a Disorderly Persons Offense or Ocean County Superior Court if an Indictable Offense. McGuckin Law handles all manner of criminal offenses throughout Ocean County and in Berkeley Township. If you are faced with Simple Assault, Domestic Violence, Disorderly Conduct, Shoplifting, Aggravated Assault, Weapons Charges, or Credit Card Fraud, we can help you explore your options and fight your case.
We will work hard to avoid incarceration and a criminal record by fighting your case based on the facts in an effort to secure a downgrade or dismissal of your charges. Additionally, we will look to secure your admission into a diversionary program such as PTI or Conditional Dismissal. For more information contact us today.
Bayville NJ DUI Lawyer
Ocean County DUI charges account for a large portion of our legal defense practice. If you are facing Driving While Intoxicated, Refusal, Drug DUI, Underage DWI, or DWI in a School Zone it is important that you seek out and retain an attorney who understands how to fight a DWI. With the understanding that the State must prove 1. operation of the motor vehicle while 2. intoxicated, we take a structured approach. We will attack the traffic stop, the results of the Standardized Field Sobriety Test, and the results of the Alcotest 7110 that determined your BAC from the breath sample you provided. New Jersey law prohibits plea-bargaining and probationary licenses with regard to DWI cases. As a result, the best defense is a great offense. To discuss how to attack the State’s case with regard to your DUI, contact our local office today at 732-924-4200 or visit our Ocean County DUI Resource Center.
Berkeley Township Leaving the Scene of Accident Attorney
McGuckin Law also assists individuals facing serious traffic offenses and administrative NJ Motor Vehicle Commission offenses. Serious traffic offenses are those punishable by loss of license, significant points, and even jail time. If you have been charged with Driving While Suspended, Driving Without Insurance, Reckless Driving, Careless Driving, Speeding, and Leaving the Scene of Accident, don’t go with the guys that bombard your mailbox with piles of letters. Call us. We are available 24/7 and offer free consultations.
Berkeley Township Municipal Court
The Honorable James J. Gluck presides over Berkeley Township Municipal Court. Court sessions are held on the second, third, and fourth Wednesday of the month. Make sure that you set aside a large portion of your day for your court appearance. If you have any questions contact the court at 732-240-6661. The Court is located at 632 Pinewald-Keswick Road in Berkeley. For directions, please refer to the following map:
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Protect Your Rights. Call 732-924-4200
McGuckin Law will provide you with the accessibility, accountability, and peace of mind you deserve. Contact us to discuss your case any time. Thank you for visiting our website.